
Vegan Kidney Bean Burgers

I don't know about you, but I prefer homemade anything over store bought something.  Since I got a Thermomix about four years ago, I make most foods from scratch.  I've never really made vegetarian burgers before, but thought I'd try it out as I didn't really like store bought burgers.  Here is a very tasty, nutritious and yet simple recipe to try out:

1 can Organic Kidney Beans

2 medium Red Onions

50 grams Organic Rolled oats

2 Cloves of Garlic

Handful of fresh Parsley or 1 tbs dried Parsley

2 tsp Dijon Mustard

1/2 ts Chilli or Sweet Chillis suace

salt and pepper to taste

Add finely chopped garlic, parsley, onions and oats together. Then stir in kidney beans, mustard, chilli sauce and salt and pepper.  Transfer to a bowl to sit in the fridge for at least an hour.  With wet hands divide mixture into four burgers.  Using extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil head large pan and fry for abour 4-5 minutes on each side until edges are crispy.  

I served mine in a large lettuce leaf, but a bun would work or even a wrap.  These are quite tasty, and you can always add whatever spices you wish to put in there. Very easy and only cost about $3 to make!  Enjoy.